15 Great Ideas For Your College Narrative Essay

Essays have always been the interesting part of our education system and have helped us to develop whatever we have about writing within ourselves. The more have we practiced writing stuffs like this the better have our sense become and the more intrigued we have felt in this formats of writing. It is all about how you analyse anything and how you carry it in your own style. The better you are at forming perceptions the better will your portrayal be while writing one.

What is a narrative essay?

As the name suggests narrative essay one of the most common format of essay in which one needs to describe or narrate an incident that has happened with him/her. It might even be a place or a program or a special occasion too. You have to be as careful as you can with the way of your narration. The approach should never be in second or third person. It should be always in a first person approach. Quality of writing matters the most. The more you will enrich your narration the better will be your narrative essay.

15 most important narrative essay topics

  1. The best journey of your life and what are the experiences that you have faced?
  2. What was the one painting that you want to describe as a story and why?
  3. What was the first trip of your life alone and how did you manage to cope up with the necessities all alone?
  4. How would you narrate the relationship of you with your best friend form childhood to adulthood and how has the relationship changed over time?
  5. What is the weirdest thing that you have ever seen in your life?
  6. The first time you felt that you have lost one of your greatest opportunities?
  7. One the most important thing that you wished you had and why?
  8. What is the one thing that you would want to change about yourself and why?
  9. What is the most interesting place to you on this earth and why do you feel so?
  10. One of the most intriguing incidents that has happened with you?
  11. Your first encounter with any kind of supernatural or paranormal feeling?
  12. Who would you want to be if you had the power to change yourself?
  13. The one secret place that I want to stay forever.
  14. One of the greatest accomplishment of your life and how did you feel about it?
  15. The earliest memory you have about yourself.

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